
my little room.

When Jessica and I decided to live in The Commons, I was pretty excited because I was actually "allowed" to put holes in the walls. Last year in Laurel, the sorority apartments on UT's campus, it was forbidden to do such a thing. My room at The Commons is somewhat small, so I knew that it would be pretty simple to make it seem cozy. If I do say so myself, I think I did a pretty solid decorating job. 

Fake flowers from Walmart + Ryan's old root-beer bottle = perfection 

I'm obsessed with this sign. It was a birthday present after I got my tattoo. 

My desk area. Surprisingly enough I can actually get a lot of homework and studying done in this space.  

If your my friend on Facebook you might have seen this picture already. I get more compliments on this picture creation than I probably do on any of my other crafts. Do not be fooled, it was a total pain in the butt making the heart symmetrical. Most likely I will cry when I have to take it down. 

Who ever thought of hanging pictures on hemp string is genius in my book. All you need is pictures, hemp string, and clothes pins. I painted my clothes pin white and brown to match my room. 

Two of my favorite things: christmas lights & flowers. I didn't decide to hang lights up in my room till Christmas time, and boy I wish I had hung them sooner. These simple little lights are great.

Love these. Love that they are so easy to make. All you really need is tissue paper and hemp string. 

I found this lamp at Goodwill for 5 bucks. It used to be a strange, gold color and I was not a fan. So, I bought a can of spray paint and a silk flower from Hobby Lobby. Ta da!

1 comment:

  1. I just saw this post, and I got so excited because I totally did the hemp string/clothes pins picture wall back in the good ol' days of Massey! I might have to bring it back next year in our HOUSE!!
