
Is chivalry really dead?

Early last week a very silly, yet disappointing thing happened to me. As I was walking out of the Communications Building on campus, a guy offered to hold the door for me as I frantically rushed to my next class. That doesn't sound so silly does it?  Well in return for giving him a sincere smile and politely saying "thank you", he responded, "mhmm" and then rolled his eyes at me. 

Oh my, if you know me at all, you can only imagine my disgust in that moment. I wanted to shout back and say something along the lines of, "I know your mother taught you better than that." But instead I just laughed and walked away. I was completely appalled by this moment. Was opening the door for me really that big of a deal? Did I deserve an eye roll? Couldn't he just simply said, "you're welcome." 

A few weeks ago my younger sister went on a precious dinner & a movie date with this sweet boy she knows. After he picked her up for their date,  my dad and I realized that we wanted to go on a daddy-daughter date of our own. We thought about showing up at Macaroni Grille, where my sister was going on her date, but we figured she wouldn't speak to us for days. While dad and I were at dinner, I wondered if my sister's date had opened the car door for her. My dad's response, "I doubt it, no one y'alls age does that sort of thing anymore." 

I was surprised by my dad's response because my guy opens the door for me everywhere we go. Even when the "clicker" for his car was broken, he would make me wait so he could unlock the car from his side, then walk over and open my door. Call me old school, but it's just the gentlemen thing to do, right? I've very appreciative and recognize his gesture each time, but I don't see what the big fuss is all about. 

Clearly if I had known this guy was going to be rude about the door situation, I would have opened the stupid door on my own. 

Enough complaining from me, and cheers to the sweet guys that still open doors for the ladies!  

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