Quite possibly the best news ever. I hope you are as excited as I am.
Sean's first soccer game.
It's crazy how time flies.

you've been remade.
Maybe you have heard this before, but if you haven't I hope you do now. I heard this song on the radio a few days ago and it literally brought tears to my eyes. Go ahead and call me the biggest sap in the universe, but I really needed to hear these words. The choices that we make do not define who we are, what Christ has done for us defines who we are.
You are more than the choices that you've made,
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes,
You are more than the problems you create,
You've been remade.
John 16:33
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
I came across this verse while I was doing some reading this morning. I've heard it many, many times but something about these words really caught my attention today. This passage makes me think about all the little, itty bitty things that I let overwhelm my thoughts and how in comparison to the bigger picture, they really aren't worth worrying about. He has overcome world- there is no better news than this. He has overcome the world to save us from our troubles, big and small. Each time I am reminded of this, I find myself in awe. We are so unworthy, yet we are given so much. My mind will never fully understand this concept.
Volapalooza 2011- April 29
As a member of CEB, I am 1/35th responsible for this lineup and I sure am proud. CEB and SGA have worked their butts off to make Volapalooza happen and I am extremely disappointed in the manner that the student body has chose to welcome this free concert. It's free people. You don't have to pay. No one is forcing you to attend. Oh, and did I mention it's free? I'm thankful for all the positive support we have received, but overwhelmed by the negative. My advice to those who are upset- stop complaining, put on your party pants, and enjoy the show. Maybe the Volapalooza lineup isn't what you were hoping for, or maybe it's better than you even imagined, either way it's going to be great.
Matt Costa
The Kingston Springs
Girl Talk
credit where credit is due.
Has anyone else felt like they are on top of the world lately? Or is it just me? Maybe it's the beautiful spring weather that has finally arrived, or maybe it's the way overdue alone time I've been spending with our God. I'm guessing it must be a combination of both. Either way, I've been feeling extremely thankful for all of the blessings I've been given. It's amazing how much your life really changes when you remember to give our Savior the credit for everything. Most of the time I'm a control freak and forget that my life is in hands much greater, bigger, stronger, gracious, and powerful than my own. Every so often I'm put back in my place, and it feels so good. Today is good, life is good, God is good.
Fierce & Fancy Formals.
This past weekend was, hands down, one of the best weekends I've had in a long time. The University of Tennessee's student organization, Give Haiti Hope, held it's second annual Fierce & Fancy Formals fashion show and dress sale. All proceeds benefit the people of Boucan-Carré, Haiti. My adrenaline was at an all time high on Friday night. It really was an unforgettable experience working backstage of the fashion show; I loved every minute. I have been so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people. Everyone worked hard to make Fierce & Fancy Formals possible. What a great weekend, supporting a great cause, with even greater people. There are a ton of ways to become involved and make a difference in the Boucan-Carré community. Join Give Haiti Hope, sponsor a child, make a donation. Remember, even the smallest donation can make a difference. Check it out- www.givehaitihope.org.
Photo Credit: Jessica Henderson
Photo Credit: Jessica Henderson
Some of Give Haiti Hope post-fashion show.
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